Kebony Grad Mini Rail General Information

Kebony Grad Mini Rail

Kebony Grad Mini Rail General Information

The clear grade cladding board was designed to give you the look you want without being overwhelmed with custom profile options. The grooves on the back of the board fit seamlessly with the Grad™ rail system, giving you the option of installing the board vertically or horizontally with two popular gap sizes to choose from.

Best used for:

Grad Spacing Template

Included in your Mini Rail box will be a spacing template. This tool is placed between an existing rail and the next rail to keep alignment and gap spacing uniform across the project.

Grad Riser Support

For roof lines or short runs, you can use the riser support to maintain the correct gap between the stud and the board. The riser support has an opening so you can face fasten the board using the Pro Plug® system for Kebony.


  • Patented clips pre-mounted on aluminum rails
  • Uniform spacing for the perfect look
  • Built-in air gap behind the boards
  • A true hidden fastening system
  • 50% faster installation time
  • Made of 100% recyclable aluminum and POM (polyoxymethylene)
  • No pre-drilling of the boards or rails required

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